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Really Clever


  • Design
  • Development
  • Website
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Crafting a website for Really Clever, bringing to life a bold brand identity in collaboration with Johnson Banks.

  • Project Details

    The challenge:

    Create a highly engaging and impactful website that gave enough information for investors, consumers and partners to understand the premise of what Really Clever are able to do, showcase their materials and drive enquires, while not giving away any trade secrets.

    The approach:

    Working in collaboration with the incredible team at Johnson Banks, Freshly Brewed crafted a website to propel Really Clever onto the world’s stage. We worked together to ensure we had the right balance of visual impact, and content. The movement through the site helped tell the ‘out with the old, in with the new’ and ensured visitors will a desire to leave their details for more info.


Really Clever are a fungal discovery platform, pioneering new solutions to some of the planet’s most pressing problems – all with fungi that’s clean, sustainable, and naturally cruelty-free. From high-quality leather-like materials to clean fuels, we’re pioneering ground-breaking new products that don’t cost the Earth.


global brands

Since going live, the website has attracted interest from numerous global brands. To day over 15 global brands have come approached Really Cleaver to use their product in development of their garments.

“Freshly Brewed, and more specifically Brandon have quickly become one of our most trusted partners. Outside of the development of our website, they have been an integral thought partner when creating a window into our brand. Great communication, commercially astute and start-up friendly. I recommend them to everyone I speak to.”

Patrick Baptista Pinto – Founder, Really Clever

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